
Vealo Ventures GmbH is an investment and holding company founded in 2014 by Christian Dereser to bring together his several entrepreneurial projects. Since then, Vealo Ventures has invested in numerous successful technology startups, with the goal to bring together outstanding ideas, strong personalities, and capital to build successful companies.


Portfolio (examples)


Munich, Germany
Vaia (StudySmarter) is a leading international EdTech company, awarded „Best Educational App Worldwide“ for its intelligent and content-agnostic platform for lifelong learning. StudySmarter’s vision is to leverage state-of-the-art technology to empower everyone to achieve their educational goals.


Berlin, Germany
The Berlin-based FinTech QUIN Technologies helps private investors create portfolios according to their individual needs and interact with their friends and the community. With the getquin app, customers have a digital and free investment advisor at their fingertips, which they can use to easily optimize their financial investments.


Hamburg, Germany
Planet A Ventures provides early-stage funding and mentoring to startups adressing the world‘s most urgent environmental problems. One of the keys to success is measuring and forecasting the positive ecological impact of the portfolio companies. Vealo Ventures was one of the first backers to invest in the fund, Christian is a member of the Planet A Network (PAN).


Berlin, Germany
heycater is the No. 1 catering platform in German-speaking countries. The company is your personal contact when it comes to booking catering easily, quickly and without any complications. Whether it’s a business lunch, event, company celebration or daily employee catering – heycater offers a large selection of caterers and event options.


Berlin, Germany
Creative and digital media such as blogs, magazines, podcasts, and YouTube channels use Steady to turn their communities into paying members, including publishers such as Titanic, Der Postillon, and Krautreporter. Steady was awarded the European Digital Media Award in the category “Best Paid Content Strategy.”


Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm based Apotekamo provides Northern European e-commerce excellence to Eastern European markets within pharmacy and health. In a very short time, Apotekamo has taken a leading position among online pharmacies in Southeastern Europe and continues to expand.


Berlin, Germany
vetevo is the No. 1 app for personalized pet care. With its holistic approach to pet health and nutrition, vetevo helps pet owners to do the best for their dogs, cats & co. Thanks to its own laboratories, vetevo is also a leading provider of various tests in the field of animal health and welfare.


Berlin, Germany
Sygns is building the leading centralised platform for the custom made branding industry. The company offers all products and services in the premium signage ecosystem, ranging from handcrafted neon signs to powder-coated channel letters. As a one stop shop, Sygns takes their customer´s ideas and handles every step from technical specification to installation on their wall.


Berlin, Germany
epigenics‘ goal is to rethink longevity. The startup is creating products for a long, healthy life. With its scientific approach and its vision, epigenics is operating in one of the most exciting growth markets of the coming years.


Berlin, Germany
mymoria, founded in 2015, is Germany’s pioneer in online funeral planning and web-based funeral provision. Since 2020, mymoria has also been offering its service offline in its funeral boutiques in more and more cities.


Munich, Germany
Uncap was founded to create a unique and innovative new approach to funding entrepreneurs in Africa using a data-driven, mainly automated process. Its vision is to provide early-stage entrepreneurs access to capital critical to their success, regardless of their gender, education, or social background. One of Uncap’s main goals is to empower female entrepreneurs who are underrepresented in many sectors.

Sirius Logo

Berlin, Germany
SIRIUS is a Music Tech startup with the mission to provide easy access to music education for everyone who loves music. By using innovative technologies, SIRIUS enables musicians all over the world to connect with each other and realize online music lessons at the highest level.

Vealo Ventures has backed more than 40 exciting companies so far. They serve over 80 countries worldwide.

This is how Vealo Ventures invests


Purpose-driven Investments

Vealo Ventures encourages its portfolio companies to behave responsibly in environmental and social matters. Financing companies and projects that address the urgent problems the world is facing is becoming an increasingly important part of Vealo Ventures‘ activities.

To help with this idea, Vealo Ventures has set up a fund to help dedicated people realize their ideas for a better world: Vealo Visions.

Vealo Ventures has been sourcing green power since its founding and is climate positive.